- See what else our CEO has to say in this news article
Build Learn Create
A robot with the precision, accuracy, and intelligence to play real Tic-Tac-Toe against you, and win. And that's just one of the things EvoArm can do. Refined with the input of hundreds of users, EvoArm is designed to give you the best deep dive into robotics from low-level electronics to high level programming.
An Intelligent Robot You Can Compete With
Use the included computer vision kit to write and research your own AI programs, including face detection and recognition, face following and object tracking and pick-up. Or, try to recreate the included Tic-Tac-Toe playing code. When a game is over, it even resets the board so you don't have to do it!

But Also Have Fun With
Program a song once, then play it again using EvoArm. Use our example provided note playing sequences, and stitch them together to play your own desired song. Or, write your own AI algorithm to come up with new songs and have EvoArm play them!
Comes with everything you need to get started
EvoArm comes packaged with ready-to-go exercises and challenges for learning robot programming, including the hardware and example apps.
You can buy any typical robot arm kit off the internet. But once you build it, then what?
Although you will find joy in constructing the EvoArm from scratch, the biggest delight is in the included programming and control software.
Once built and configured, EvoArm can be controlled and programmed from a phone or computer using an intuitively designed interface without requiring coding. For truly unlocking its features, it can be programmed with Python, C++ or any language that supports publishing ROS messages, or making HTTP requests.

Vision Kit

Face Detection, Object Detection, 30fps streaming feed, and more
Why should "app" mean software only?

Warehouse Box Stacking
Level 1

Practice your coding skills
Level 2

A unique approach to building "real" physical apps.
Design and print functional hardware, and program EvoArm to operate it. Your purchase includes the 4 EvoApps below.
A fresh take on this classic computer science problem
Level 3

Program the Tic-Tac-Toe Algorithm and play against EvoArm
Level 10

Ready To Go
Includes everything you need to get started

Raspberry Pi

Arduino Uno
Kit Contents
Arduino Uno
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Zero W (with wifi and bluetooth capability
16GB Micro SD Card with pre-configured Raspbian Buster OS, Robot operating system (ROS), and OpenCV 3.4
Computer Vision Kit
Raspberry Pi Camera
Camera Mounting Bracket and Hardware
Upto 30fps streaming service
Impeccable Hardware
High Power Servo Motors
LEDS, Resistors, Switch
45W Wall Power Supply
Specially sourced screwdriver
Over 20 construction parts for Robot Arm
Cables and Wiring
Included Accessory Kits & EvoApps
Towers Of Hanoi Kit
Whiteboard Drawing Kit
Warehouse Box Stacking Kit
Optional: AI-Enabled Tic-Tac-Toe Kit
Axes: 5 Degrees of Freedom + Gripper
Max Vertical Reach: 18" or 460mm
Max Horizontal Reach: 14.5" or 368mm
Payload: 100g at maximum extension
Power Supply: 45W Wall Adapter 110V
Repeatability: 1mm
Weight: 1.5lbs or 680g
Building Instructions
You can buy EvoArm preassembled, or as a build-it-yourself kit if you want the full learning experience. The kit comes with 16 detailed step by step tutorial videos of a few minutes each, which you can easily watch at your own pace. Whether you are already a pro, or a complete novice, *you* can build EvoArm yourself.
Step By Step Video Tutorials
Watch two example videos below
1. Battery Pack Assembly
2. How to connect a Servo Extension Cable
3. Baseplate Assembly
4. Motor A Assembly
5. Motor B Assembly
6. Motor C Assembly
7. Motor D Assembly
8. Motor E Assembly
9. Motor F Assembly
10. Gripper Assembly
11. Arm Assembly
12. Arm Wiring Part 1
13. Arm Wiring Part 2
14. Raspberry Pi And Camera Assembly
15. Powering Up
16. Setup
Building Instruction Video Examples
1. Battery Pack Assembly
11. Arm Assembly
Unlimited Rapid Support From Mountain View, California

Customer Reviews
Arnar H.
We have been having trouble free use of the robot. I wanted to be sure you knew we are still enjoying the robot arm kit.
My youngest (the 11 year old) used it a bit to do the things that are easy (set up sequences, do exercises).
I then gave it to my oldest (16 years old). He's a bit of a linux nerd and started looking into how the thing is put together (the rospi pubsub, the command stream sent to from the pi to the arduino etc).
Kaleb N.
From the support and discussion forum:
What are the numerical ranges for the forward kinematic equation?
a: 10, 170 #base
b: 10, 170 #shoulder
c: 10, 148 #elbow
d: 10, 170 #wrist rotator
e: 10, 170 #wrist up/down
f: 40, 120 #gripper, smaller value closes
Thanks so much for the fast reply!
Terrazas, A
I can't believe I didn't think of that! Thanks. I was able to install XQuartz on my Mac and then succeeded to display a camera image.

Q & A
Does EvoArm allow simultaneous control of multiple servos?
Yes. EvoArm comes with pre-installed advanced kinematics firmware. You can command individual joints or any combination simultaneously. Or you can use the available inverse kinematics function to command the destination position and orientation of gripper, and EvoArm will figure out and execute a smooth path.
Can EvoArm be controlled from a Raspberry Pi?
Yes, EvoArm comes ready-to-go with a Raspberry Pi that is pre-programmed to control the arm hardware!
Can it be programmed using Python?
Yes! You can login to the included raspberry-pi and use the included python examples as a starting point. If you know ROS, you can make the raspberry-pi the ROS master and publish commands from your own computer. If you don't know ROS, you can also send arm commands over simple an extremely simple HTTP Rest interface.
What else do I need to buy to make it work?
Nothing! You will need a phone or computer with internet connection, that’s it.
Can I create my own app to control it?
Yes, EvoArm is designed to be programmable with several different types of interfaces your custom app can use to control the arm, including ROS, and HTTP.
How much can it lift?
The payload limit is 100g at full extension.
What is the repeatability?
Approximately 1mm.
Can I create and save a sequence of actions to be executed by the arm on demand?
Yes! The beauty of EvoArm lies not just in the hardware, but in the comprehensive, tested and well designed software that allows you to program it.
Can it pick up and place objects repeatedly with good accuracy?
Yes. See videos of the arm solving Towers of Hanoi, or playing real Tic Tac Toe against a human player.
Can this be controlled over Wifi?
Yes, once setup and configured, EvoArm connects to your local wifi network so you can control and program it from your phone or computer.
Can it push a key on a keyboard?
Yes! Watch videos of the arm playing a song on a piano.
Can we use this for commercial product assembly?
EvoArm is designed for educational and learning purposes, it is not suitable for an industrial setup.
What is the maximum width of open gripper?
55mm, or 2-1/8 in.
When fully extended vertically, how tall is it from base to tip of gripper?
460mm or 18 inches.
Can I control multiple EvoArms together?
Yes! One arm can control another over HTTP, or by publishing ROS messages to other arms. A program on an external computer could control multiple arms together with arbitrary complexity.
Can I access the camera feed from the attached camera?
Yes! You can access the camera feed at upto 30 frames per second over HTTP for your own computer vision applications.
Can I create a custom Arduino program and run it via my own Arduino connected to the arm?
Can it be programmed using C++?
Yes, most certainly. You can access the camera frames, the arm's current position information and send commands to move the arm, using C++ or python, or any language that supports making either simple HTTP calls or publishing ROS messages.
Can I control the speed of motions?
Yes, with very fine granularity.
Can the arm be mounted on a mobile base?
Yes. Use the included AA batteries to power the motors, and any typical portable USB phone charging bank to power the Raspberry Pi.
Do I need any tools to assemble it?
All required tools are included in the kit.
Does it run on batteries or a wall power supply?
It comes with a special high-wattage wall power supply so you can keep EvoArm running. But if you want to make it mobile, it will also run on AA batteries and a portable USB phone charging bank.
Is it hard to assemble?
Depends. Do you *want* it to be hard? While ordering you can specify "Max assembly time", from several hours to completely pre-assembled.
Does it need to be bolted down?
No. The design is such that in almost all situations it will not tip-over.
How fast can it move?
It can move pretty fast, faster than would be useful in most situations.
Where can I buy spare parts for this arm?
Contact us for replacing any part.